I've written about how networking and marketing are kissing cousins. To summarize that post, networking is an essential part of of building your brand, which is the foundation of marketing.
Let me start by saying thank you for opening my email. It would be quite embarrassing and ironic if you didn’t because you found the subject line for “How to Write an Intriguing Email Subject Line” unintriguing.
Your brand is only as good as its awareness. What’s the point of having a brand if you never tell anyone about it? A tried and true method of telling them about it is, you guessed it, through blogging.
In the first blog post of my branding series, I leveraged Investopedia to define the term brand: “An intangible marketing or business concept that helps people identify a company, product, or individual.”
Brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand marketing, on brand, off brand, Russell Brand. We’re all familiar with this term, and whether we like it or not, brands and branding are constantly in our faces...
I’m revisiting one of my earliest blog posts dating all the way back to 2019. At the time I was still carving out my business identity. As you’ll read, I discuss how I discovered my why and the impact that revelation’s had on my brand.