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5 Things You Need to Know About Email Marketing

Email marketing might sound like a digital relic from the early 2000s, but it’s alive, kicking, and more powerful than ever. 

In a world dominated by flashy social media and instant messaging, email remains a reliable workhorse for businesses, so use it and use it now. 

Here are five things you need to know about harnessing the power of email marketing without losing your sanity—or your subscribers.

1. Crafting Subject Lines: The First Impression

Your subject line is the gatekeeper to your email content.

People don’t open emails for two reasons: 1) they didn’t subscribe in the first place, and 2) the email subject line is lazy and stupid. 

A good subject line should be like a well-made espresso shot: short, strong, and enough to jolt someone awake. Or it should be like a well-made shot of Jeppson's Malört, except you can’t make Malört well, because it’s unpalatable. 

Crafting effective subject lines is a balancing act between intriguing and informative. Avoid being too clickbaity—no one likes feeling tricked. They should have no more than seven words, and emojis can add a playful touch, but use them sparingly; you don’t want your email looking like it’s from a 14-year-old’s group chat.

2. Personalization: More Than Just a Name

Addressing your subscribers by their first name is nice, but it’s just the beginning.

Personalization means tailoring content to fit the unique interests and behaviors of your audience. This can be as simple as sending different content to different segments of your list or as advanced as using past behavior to predict future needs. 

People appreciate feeling seen and understood, and it doesn’t take much to go from generic to genuine.

3. Timing: It's Everything

Sending your emails at the right time can make a big difference.

But what is that right time? 

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the perfect send time, but some general rules apply. Mid-week, mid-morning tends to be a sweet spot for many audiences. However, testing is key. Experiment with different times and track your open and click rates to find your unique optimal window. 

Remember, what works for one brand might not work for another.

4. Mobile Optimization: Don't Be a Dinosaur

Over half of all emails are opened on mobile devices, because we spend the majority of our waking hours immersed in our phones and tablets. 

If your email isn’t optimized for mobile, you risk losing a significant chunk of your audience. Mobile-friendly design means concise content, larger buttons, and single-column layouts. 

Make it easy for your reader to interact with your email without all the pinching and zooming in and out. 

5. Call to Action: Clear and Compelling

Every email you send should have a clear goal, whether it’s driving traffic to your website, promoting a new product, or gathering feedback. 

Your call to action (CTA) should be unmistakable and compelling. Don’t bury it under a mountain of text or make it blend into the background. 

A good CTA stands out, inviting your reader to take the next step—contacting you, buying from you, subscribing to your emails—with confidence and curiosity.

I’ve got a CTA for you: start email marketing very soon, because if you forget about your customers, they’ll forget you.

About the Author, David Telisman

I am a Writer and Content Creator, and I work with businesses to inspire their customers to buy from them. I believe that my clients deserve to feel proud of how their content marketing looks and what it says, and I deliver by providing expert copywriting and marketing solutions.

Sharing my passion through words is my craft, and I could add value by helping you voice yours. Contact me here, at or 

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